• Apply Online for Unemployment Benefits

  • It's faster - and it helps everyone!

    If you find yourself needing to apply for unemployment benefits, know that we’re doing everything we can to ensure a quick, smooth process. But you can speed up that process – and help your fellow Minnesotans – by following these steps:

    1. Apply online at www.uimn.org. Our award-winning system is designed to be self-service. Just answer the questions as best you can and hit submit.
    2. Find answers to your questions without calling. Start by clicking on the word “Applicants” in the upper left corner of the Unemployment Insurance website – and select from the menu options: What do I need to know? How do I apply? How do I get paid? What affects my benefits? These are designed to answer the questions most people have.
      • If you call, you may have a long wait – and you will be tying up our phone lines. We’re trying to free up those lines to help people who do not have any online access and to help those who need translators in order to apply for benefits.
    3. Get help from others you know. If you’re not comfortable filling out forms online, maybe you have a smart niece or nephew who can help walk you through it. You’re not alone. Nearly 1 million Minnesotans have used our online Unemployment Insurance application in the past 10 years; most of us have family, friends, and neighbors who are familiar with the application process.

    One Minnesota means we help one another – and we know when to ask each other for help. We’re asking you to help us better serve Minnesotans in this crisis by applying online for unemployment benefits.

    Have more questions about whether you qualify for Unemployment Insurance, how to apply and what the process is? Please visit the UI Need to Know page.
